Aspire, Achieve and Thrive

Physical Education

Our Aim 


“To create an engaging, safe and productive learning environment where participation and performance are celebrated and the importance of a healthy active lifestyle is embraced by all”

The curriculum allows us to deliver a curriculum that meets the needs of every pupil, allows for progression by every pupil, and nurtures “physical literacy”. As a department lessons take the approach of a concept curriculum which moves away from sport specific content and instead emphasising “big ideas” that span multiple physical activity disciplines. These concepts are taught through mostly traditional activities and sports (the concept vehicles) and of course there is a large cross-over with sport. However, in PE, pupils are not only judged or assessed on how well they perform various sport skills but also PE concepts that can be applied across a range of disciplines. By shifting the focus of the curriculum and success criteria of each lesson, we are doing so much more than getting pupils active, we are teaching them life skills, developing stronger connections to physical activity and improving the experiences within PE for every child.

This makes the PE curriculum accessible to all and motivates pupils to develop a passion for physical activity that, we hope, will stay with them for life.

Key Stage 3

Our year 7 pupils are offered weekly swimming lessons that enable them to improve their ability and confidence in the water.  This is a direct result of the gaps from Key Stage 2.  We encourage all pupils to be able to swim at least 25 m and help develop their confidence in various strokes. This progresses to life saving and rescue skills.

Throughout key stage 3 we offer a broad range of both invasive and non-invasive activities in both team and individual activities. We provide a curriculum that has a focus of engagement in a wide range of activities where pupils can show improvement within a variety of different concepts. We have an alternative fitness training room where some pupils, who find the curriculum inaccessible due to their prior experiences, which include being able to participate in lessons and SEND needs to still allow access to physical activity. Here they can become involved in alternative fitness training using rowing machines, indoor cycling or fitness training using a variety of methods.

Key Stage 4

In year 10 and 11, we focus on mainly competitive sports still through the concept curriculum.  This involves activities undertaken individually, as pairs and in groups or teams.  Pupils explore tactics, strategies and implement skills learnt to a broad range of sporting and life situations. Pupils are taught to understand and build on the concepts from key stage 3, with a real focus on lifetime participation. Pupils will develop an understanding that will allow them to gain the best chance possible to lead a healthy active lifestyle both now and in the future.  Year 10 and 11 pupils are also provided with the opportunity to develop leadership & character through the Duke of Edinburgh Award and sports leadership.

Currently our year 11’s have the opportunity to study a GCSE in PE following the AQA specification. This allows our pupils to gain a further in depth knowledge into the world of sport and physical activity. Pupils have the chance of building on basic knowledge already learnt in PE lessons.