Aspire, Achieve and Thrive


 Our Aim

Our intent is to enable pupils to:

  • Read easily, fluently and with good understanding
  • Develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
  • Appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
  • Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language, style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • Develop a love of writing and to be able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word
  • Re-read, edit and improve their own writing
  • Confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Acquire a wide vocabulary
  • Use discussion in order to learn; clearly explaining their understanding and ideas
  • Become competent in the arts of speaking and listening, taking part in debates, making presentations and demonstrating to others

In addition to the National Curriculum, pupils also need to develop their literacy skills and will have tiered intervention, dictated by need; this can include ‘in class’ support to make progress through to individual sessions which develop phonics, spelling, decoding skills and comprehension.

To ensure development continues we regularly review and evaluate our own methods and materials, as well as using current SEND philosophies and teaching strategies. Lessons are fully differentiated to suit pupil’s individual ability and learning style. Formative and summative assessment are embedded within each scheme of work and teaching. Personalised SEND strategies are employed. Every opportunity is given to secure progress from pupils’ individual starting points in a secure, positive and enjoyable environment with opportunities provided to ‘close gaps’ from prior learning.

 Key Stage 3

Throughout years 7, 8 and 9 there is a many-pronged approach to delivering English. The development of an enjoyment for the subject is paramount and supported by focusing on the different components of the curriculum. Pupils continue to work on improving their literacy and developing communication skills. Texts are chosen which will engage the specific cohort and assessments across the key stage look at the whole range of assessment objectives.

Towards the end of Year 9, if appropriate, pupils complete the Step Up to English entry level qualification. (If at this stage they are not ready this can be completed during Key Stage 4.) 

Key Stage 4

 At Key Stage 4 there are a range of qualifications on offer, which include: GCSE AQA English Literature and AQA English Language. Pupils can also take the Step Up to English entry level qualification and Functional Skills can be offered, if correct for the pupil.

The qualifications which pupils are entered for are dependent on their academic profile; they will be entered for the qualification(s) which best suit them at the most appropriate time – for some, this means they will be entered for functional skills in year 10 whereas for others this will be their final assessment at the end of year 11.


Revision materials will be provided for pupils, however further details can be found at these websites:

AQA | Subjects | English

KS3 English - BBC Bitesize

GCSE English Language - BBC Bitesize

GCSE English Literature - BBC Bitesize