Aspire, Achieve and Thrive

Downland School Exam Results 




GCSE Results: 

Overview for pupils who were taught in school and accessing a full curriculum 12 out of 21 (57%), rather than those on alternative and flexible programmes: 

Pupils who were not in school were educated at other provisions, these included attending local farms, pre-16 college placements, one to one tutoring either at home, in school, or at a different site, mentoring services and arts based alternative provision.

  • 58% (7 pupils) achieved a GCSE in English and maths, 92% (11 pupils) achieved a qualification in English and maths at functional skills or Entry level.
  • 66% (8 pupils) achieved a GCSE in English with three pupils achieving their target grade.
  • 83% (10 pupils) achieved a GCSE in maths with four pupils achieving their target grade and one exceeding it.
  • 100% (12 pupils) achieved a GCSE in biology with six pupils achieving their target grade.
  • AD&T photography (100%) (5 pupils) achieved a grade 3 or above with one pupil achieving a grade 4 and one a grade 5. All achieved or exceeded their target grade.
  • Two pupils not in school still achieved GCSEs in maths and biology.
  • GCSEs were achieved in geography and PE by seven pupils.
  • Seven pupils achieved a BTEC in performing arts of home cooking skills.
  • Three pupils achieved an ASDAN certificate of personal achievement.
  • Five pupils achieved both bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Performance table measures for all pupils (21)

GCSE achievement at the end of key stage 4:

  • 0% achieved 9-4 GCSE in English and maths
  • Progress 8 whole school- TBC
  • Progress 8 disadvantaged- TBC
  • Progress 8 non disadvantaged- TBC
  • Attainment 8 whole school- TBC
  • Attainment 8 disadvantaged- TBC
  • Attainment 8 non disadvantaged- TBC
  • 0% achieved EBacc. However, the current curriculum is not shaped to meet the English Baccalaureate. Instead, it is personalised for each pupils. For example, pupils only take English language and one science, with the option of taking two.

Destination data:

  • 1 child went to Bath College
  • 14 children went to Wiltshire College (including all 4 campus’)
  • 2 children went to Andover College (including Sparsholt campus)
  • 2 children did not make applications to Post-16 establishments (mental health difficulties)
  • 1 child continued with AP
  • 1 child went to Swindon College
  • 1 x traveller child who did not attend school.




GCSE Results: 

Overview for pupils who were taught in school and accessing a full curriculum 12 out of 18 (66%), rather than those on alternative and flexible programmes: 

  • 9 out of 12 of these pupils were disadvantaged (75%)
  • 11 out of 12 (92%) of pupils achieved four or more GCSEs at grade 9 – 1 including English and maths
  • The average number of GCSE qualifications achieved by pupils in school is 5.2
  • 100% of pupils gained a qualification in English, maths and science
  • In English 4 out of 12 (33%) achieved or exceeded the expected level of attainment using national estimates and 7 out of 13 (54%) in maths
  • 4 out of 10 (40%) of disadvantaged pupils achieved the expected level of progress using national minimum estimates in English and 5 out of 10 (50%) in maths
  • AD&T Art and 3D art had 5 out of 8 (63%) of pupils achieving a grade 4  pass or above  and 6 out of 8(75%) of pupils exceeded the expected level of attainment using national estimates

Performance table measures for all pupils (18)

GCSE achievement at the end of key stage 4:

  • 0% achieved 9-4 GCSE in English and maths
  • Progress 8 whole school- 1.93
  • Progress 8 disadvantaged- 1.88
  • Progress 8 non disadvantaged- 2.22
  • Attainment 8 whole school- 8.50
  • Attainment 8 disadvantaged- 7.73
  • Attainment 8 non disadvantaged- 12.33
  • 0% achieved EBacc. However, the current curriculum is not shaped to meet the English Baccalaureate. Instead, it is personalised for each pupils. For example, pupils only take English language and one science, with the option of taking two.

Destination data:

All pupils, on leaving, had a college placement.

After 42 days, we will undertake checks with all chosen destinations to ensure that pupils have maintained the placement.





GCSE Results: 

Overview for pupils who were taught in school and accessing a full curriculum 7 out of 9 (78%), rather than those on alternative and flexible programmes:

  • 5 out of 7 of these pupils were disadvantaged (71%) 
  • 86% (6 out of 7) pupils in school achieved four or more GCSEs at grade 9 – 1 including English and maths
  • The average number of GCSE qualifications achieved by pupils in school is 4.6
  • 86% of pupils gained a qualification in English, maths and science
  • 57% of pupils (4 out of 7) of those in school achieved or exceeded the expected level of attainment using national estimates in English and 43% (3 out of 7) in maths
  • 60% (3 out of 5) of disadvantaged pupils in school achieved the expected level of progress using national minimum estimates in English and 20% (1 out of 5) in maths
  • AD&T had four pupils achieving a grade 4 pass and 100% of pupils exceeded the expected level of attainment using national estimates

Performance table measures for all pupils (9)

GCSE achievement at the end of key stage 4:

  • 0% achieved 9-4 GCSE in English and maths
  • Progress 8 Whole School -1.31
  • Progress 8 Disadvantaged -1.32
  • Progress 8 Non-disadvantaged -1.28
  • Attainment 8 Whole School 13.44
  • Attainment 8 Disadvantaged 13.17
  • Attainment 8 Non-disadvantaged 14.00
  • 0% achieved EBacc. However, the current curriculum is not shaped to meet the English Baccalaureate. Instead it is personalised for each pupil. For example, pupils only take English language and one science, with the option of taking two.

Destination data:

The school ensures all our pupils are prepared for their post-16 pathways. The majority of our pupils go on to attend mainstream colleges in their local area.

In August 2022 100% of pupils, on leaving, had a college placement.

After 42 days, we will undertake checks with all chosen destinations to ensure that pupils have maintained the placement.


Key Stage 2 SATs: 

Reading; progress score -0.43 (3 pupils)

Writing; progress score -1.26 (3 pupils)

Maths; progress score -5.67 (3 pupils)


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