Aspire, Achieve and Thrive


Our Aim 

At Downland School we put a great importance on history; all pupils in key stage 3 have access to the history curriculum. The key intent from our history curriculum is for pupils to gain an appreciation of the link between the past and their own lives now. Comparing how lives were and looking at the journey to where we are today is crucial for developing pupils’ understanding of who they are today. It is important for our pupils to gain an understanding on how things have changed and what has played a role in getting to where we are today in order to gain a wonder of the past.

The history curriculum takes a chronological approach through the year groups, focussing on how Britain developed. This allows for a curriculum that is more relevant to our pupils that creates more interest in the subject. Each term follows on from the previous in periods of time to allow for a clear understanding of how things changed and when. This also allows for pupils to give comparisons on the changes through history. This approach is supported and is based on the national curriculum for history.

Throughout the history curriculum we ask our pupils to think critically about interpretations and sources of information in order to make judgements of what periods of time were like in order for them to make comparisons. Seeking out the truth is a key historical skill for pupils to grasp as they go through the curriculum.

Through the curriculum we encourage all pupils to act responsibly and appreciative of what that time was like. In order to gain a deeper understanding pupils need to be respectful of the differences and how things have changed. Through this, our pupils will gain a deep understanding of how Britain has developed into their lives today.

Our history curriculum offers a great opportunity for pupils to work on and develop literacy skills. Whether it is sentence comprehension or debating skills. All pupils have the ability to work on and improve literacy throughout lesson time.

Each history lesson offers all pupils an opportunity to grow and develop their knowledge. In order for this to be effective several SEND strategies are in place for all pupils to gain access to a detailed yet adaptive curriculum. All lessons are well planned and are differentiated to individual pupils needs to support and aid development. We are constantly reviewing adapting teaching methods to ensure quality first teaching is always in place. Opportunities for assessment are carefully planned into the curriculum to ensure pupil progress is being tracked. Individualised SEND strategies are used for pupils to help bridge the gaps in knowledge and understanding.

Our intent is:

  • A chronological based approach to learning.
  • Opportunities for pupils to improve literacy skills.
  • Promote a wonder of our world in pupils.
  • Develop cultural capital in pupils.
  • Act as model citizens and be appreciative of the past.

Key Stage 3

The chronological approach begins with looking into pre battle of Hastings Britain and ends with the black power movement and segregation. Our history curriculum’s topics have been carefully selected to engage and interest our pupils, giving the best chance of understanding how Britain has changed. Throughout the key stage, pupils have the opportunity to develop both literacy and communication skills through sources of information and debating.

Key Stage 4

GCSE history has been offered as a brand new GCSE option for our key stage 4 students. Our new cohort are following the Edexcel GCSE history course. Within this course, students have the ability to build, develop and stretch their knowledge from different times of history. All units are expansions of knowledge and skills from the key stage 3 history curriculum.