Aspire, Achieve and Thrive


Our Aim 

Our vision is for all pupils to access a high quality and adaptive geography curriculum, which inspires a curiosity of the world around them. We aim to give pupils a knowledge of places, people and environments from locally to internationally. Linked together with an understanding of the Earth’s human and physical processes, pupils are able to gain the knowledge that builds the fascination of the world. All pupils follow a broad curriculum that follows the national curriculum for Geography. As pupil knowledge progresses, this allows an ability to expand their understanding of people, places and environments on a more global scale.

We want all pupils to develop key ‘geographical skills’ throughout the curriculum. From map reading skills to asking geographical questions, skills are crucial for all pupils to gain as it will help them develop their knowledge. Geography is always changing and adapting, it is vital for pupils to understand the relationship between people and the environment they live in. It is important for our pupils to understand how Geographical phenomena may affect the way that they live themselves.

We are very aware that our pupils arrive to us with a huge variety of geographical experiences, so it is important that out curriculum is planned with this in mind. The Downland School geography curriculum is focussed on bridging gaps in the knowledge of our pupils and developing the learning as pupils go through the year groups.  The main focus in year 7, is for pupils to gain the fundamental skills and knowledge on a local scale that sets a foundation for progression and development moving forward. As we move through the year groups pupils use these fundamental skills to look at Geographical knowledge globally.

We want all of our pupils to have the chance to gain the best geographical education possible so developing a range of educational experiences, including; fieldwork, the use of maps and researching evidence of geography. Through the use of technology (such as weather stations) pupils are able to gain knowledge that is more exciting and more prominent to their lives, creating a curiosity in the world around them.

To ensure our pupils are continuously developing in all aspects of the curriculum it has been planned with SEND at the heart of it. We are constantly planning and reviewing teaching methods to ensure that all pupils have access to the materials being taught. All lessons are adaptive and differentiated to the individual pupils to support and aid development.  Opportunities for assessment are carefully planned into the curriculum to ensure that we are keeping up to date with individual progress. Individualised SEND strategies are used for pupils to help bridge the gaps in knowledge and understanding.

Our intent is:

  • Identify and bridge gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
  • Allow pupils to develop and progress knowledge in all areas of geography.
  • Promote curiosity and fascination of the world that we live in.
  • Appreciate the different cultures and situations people live in from around the world.
  • Pupils to stay up to date with geographical changes.
  • Develop all pupils key aspects of cultural capital- (Personal development: self-esteem, self confidence, growth mindset, employability skills. Social development: part of a wider community, citizenship skills and knowledge).
  • Promote a variety of literacy and numeracy skills in lessons.

Key Stage 3

In key stage 3 there is a thematic approach that allows for progression throughout the key stage: Year 7 is the foundation year to ensure pupils have the fundamental geographical knowledge and skills to access year 8 and 9. Topics and areas have been carefully chosen to engage and interest in all of our pupils. Throughout the key stage, pupils have the opportunity to work and develop both literacy, numeracy and communication skills.

By the end of year 9 all pupils should have the appropriate knowledge ready for GCSE Geography if they were to choose the subject.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 we offer the opportunity for pupils to take AQA GCSE Geography. The knowledge at GCSE builds on the underpinning knowledge and skills already learnt from key stage 3.