In accordance with Wiltshire Local Authority (LA) policy or other admitting authorities, any pupil admitted to Downland School will have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or a Statement of Special Educational Needs, following a multi-professional assessment. Referrals are discussed by a multi professional ‘Inclusion Panel’ chaired by a senior Wiltshire LA officer to establish what form of provision is required. Following this process, papers are then sent to the school by the placing authority, requesting a placement interview.
Based on this information, the Leadership Team on behalf of the Governors of Downland School make an initial decision as to whether it is considered that we can meet this pupil's specific needs. As part of our admissions process, parents/carers, the pupil and other interested professionals are invited to visit the school for a visit and initial meeting. If the recommendation is for a placement at Downland School, the school notifies the LA and the pupil’s parents/carers, offering a start date. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to contact the referring LA to arrange transport.
You can also see a Virtual Tour on our website too. Click on the link here.
The Local Offer
The Wiltshire Local Offer sets out in one place, information about the range of services and support for children, aged 0-25, who have SEN or are disabled (SEND). Examples of information available on the Local Offer:
- Nurseries, Schools, Colleges and places of learning
- Information on a range of health professionals
- Social services and social workers
- Leisure opportunities and short breaks funding
- Transport options pre / post 16
- Preparation for adulthood
Further information can be found at Wiltshire Council Local Offer
If you are in the process of looking for a suitable special school placement and are being advised by the LA to make visits, these are welcome at any time throughout the assessment/consultation process for your child. Please phone the office to arrange a visit Tel: 01380 724193 to arrange a suitable time.
For more information on Wiltshire County Council's Admissions information Click here.